Hydraulic brakes for asphalt machinery

Hydraulic brakes for asphalt machinery
An international manufacturer of heavy asphalt and road construction machinery contacted Rydahls during the development phase of a 27 ton asphalt machine. Requirement: a complete hydraulic brake system.

An explicit definition of the project formed the foundation for the work. Requirements were identified, technical specifications were established and drawings were prepared along with brake calculations, dimensioning and timetables. It was all summarised in a project document with some 70 main activities that were to be checked off at regular intervals.

The physical development of the system began when we received parts from the customer to build up a full-scale test rig in our factory in Karlstad, complete with driver's cab and brakes.

The planned tests were carried out on the rig, recorded, and reported to the customer. The rig was also used for training purposes and groups from the customer learned in detail about all the components and about handling during assembly and bleeding. Evaluations of different brake hoses were also carried out with a view to selecting the best alternatives.

The whole project was documented and reconciled at regular intervals with the customer, in accordance with the initial records. Our solution was approved by the customer within the agreed deadline and today we deliver complete systems that go directly into the customer's production lines in Brazil.

Broschyr Bromssystem

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Tel: +358 40 687 5670

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