Watertight system with enhanced braking power

Watertight system with enhanced braking power
One of the largest groups in Europe in the defence industry redesigned one of its military vehicles. The weight increased from 7 to 16 tonnes. The brake system had to be improved, without becoming larger or taking up more space.

The vehicle was developed and rebuilt to make it safer to be in and travel in. The improved protection meant a significant change in the total weight of the vehicle, which increased from 7 to 16 tonnes. It was necessary to examine the brake system to ensure safe braking functions. The catch was that the system could not take up more space that it already did.

The vehicle was also designed so that it could "swim", which in turn set requirements for a watertight brake solution to avoid corrosion in the system.

At Rydahls we saw the solution in the choice of materials. Thanks to new materials with higher friction coefficients, resistance and thermotolerance, we improved the efficiency of the braking power and braking time in the system. We checked adjacent materials and made sure that they could withstand the subsequent increase in heat. We solved the watertightness with our own design and with the help of an in-house developed clamping ring, dust protection of special silicon, special grease and an effective surface treatment.

All in all the solution is completely unique and a good example of how with innovation and knowledge of materials we can tackle complex problems.

Broschyr Bromssystem

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